Multi-artist commission request (each artist works alone)
Maximum number of votes for this request: 75 votes.
Main character will only be a woman.
Main character male possible, but only if changed to female.
Non-adult character possible, but only if changed to adult.
Non-human character possible, but only if changed to human.
If you have any problems understanding the request, please convo me, thank you.
-The anime: Sword Art Online (all series in this anime)
-The theme: New event: "Swimsuit Art Online"
-The rules of this event.
01: You can be just a female character in this event. (one character or more, depending on the artist's choice, but only girls)
02: Before starting the event, you must choose the size of the breasts (small breasts, or large breasts, or even huge breasts), the hairiness of the pussy (very hairy pussy, or hairy pussy, or slightly hairy, or shaved pussy) and you can also choose a pregnant version of the character.
03: At the start of the game, you start by wearing a school swimsuit (one piece, or two pieces) and the more you go up in the levels, the more the swimsuit becomes sexy and small to finish with a micro bikini (a piece, or two pieces) And when you reach the maximum level of the event, you have the choice between pastilles (which hide the nipples and the pussy only) or to be naked. Of course, the character also wears boots, gloves and hairstyle as in the anime. (example:
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04: You can choose hand weapons (example: a sword) or firearms depending on the character chosen.
05: The objects to be won during the event are sex toys (size and shape chosen by the artist). The character can wear them on her, for example on her belt, or make them appear, or use them on her or another character (yuri sex)
-Thank you
Link to Commission