You left out the second part, Batou: "Then, Miharu licking all over Yukinari's body, including his bellybutton. Thus, making Yukinari’s penis grow big which makes Yukinari feels surprised while Miharu feel excited.)"
Nice work on the first part of the 4th scene of Girls Bravo movie, Mr. Batou. But I have to agree with Amaterasu89 on the second part. The mistake is that you forgot the second part where Miharu is supposed to lick Yukinari's body, especially his stomach, including his bellybutton.
Can you fix that problem? You can put the part where Miharu is supposed to lick Yukinari's body, the upper body, including his bellybutton after she done with the Prowling Tigress position at the beginning of the next scene if you like. If this is up to me, then I would love for you to do it. ^_^
im guessing next is the slow trail for a blowjob then a titfuck, and then he licks her pussy, then they have sex